
Wednesday, March 5, 2025


 Rabbi Rifat Sonsino, Ph.D

Torah is one of the pillars of Judaism. In essence, it means, “religious instruction.” However, the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible (3rd cent, BCE)  rendered it as nomos, meaning “law,” thus restricting its scope. The New Testament, using the Septuagint as its source, also translated Torah as law.

In reality, Torah in Judaism is more than law. The  term comes from the Hebrew root Yarah, meaning “to throw.” It has had an interesting development.

In the Hebrew Bible:
The kings of Israel and the priests at the Temple of Jerusalem used various methods to find out the will of God. According to I Sam. 28: 6, “And (king) Saul inquired of the Lord, but the Lord did not answer him either by dreams, or by URIM or by prophets.” Here the noun URIM, is short for urim ve thummim. Most likely, these were small stones or sacred lots, each in the shape of  a dice which was cast to the ground. They were placed inside  the “breastpiece of decision” worn by the priests (See, Ex. 28:30,  Lev. 8:8).  They seemed to have disappeared after the reign of King David (c.10th cent. BCE). According to Ezra 2:63, they were not used during the second temple. Finally, according to the Mishnah (early 3rd cent. CE, Sot.9:12), “When the first prophets died, the urim ve-thummim ceased to exist.”

In time, the word Torah assumed a  wider meaning, namely “instruction,” such as “The Torah of the  Meal Offering” (Lev. 6:7) or “The Torah of the Nazirite” (Num. 6:21). In the Wisdom literature, Torah is equated with human wisdom (Prov.1:8). And in the post exilic period (6th cent. BCE),  Torah referred to the substance  of the Pentateuch (Neh. 8:8) .

In the Rabbinic literature, Torah  refers not only to the “written Torah,” but also to “the Oral Torah,” transmitted from one generation of sages to another. The First was accepted by the Sadducees, and the second by the Pharisees. The Mishnah (3rd cet. CE) and then the Talmud represent a collection of the oral Torah finally redacted in the 6th cent. CE.

In the present time, the term Torah can refer to the Five Books attributed to Moses, to the entire Hebrew Bible, or even to the entire corpus of Jewish teachings.





Tuesday, February 4, 2025


 Rabbi Rifat Sonsino, Ph.D

How to render the very first verse of the Hebrew Bible has been problematic for a long time. Most translations have it as :“ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Some have it as : “In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth..” Everett Fox prefers, “At the beginning of God’s creating of the heavens and the earth.” I like Speiser’s rendition: “When God set about to create heaven and earth…” What is the problem?

The Masoretic text was vocalized between 500-700 CE. So, we do not know how the original scribes read the text. In our Hebrew Bible, the very first word of Gen. 1:1 is BERESHIT. And that is, “in the beginning of,” not, “In the beginning.” The Hebrew word is in construct form attached to a verb, BARA, ”he created.” That is unusual. Because, grammatically speaking,  the construct form should be attached to an infinitive, like BERO, and not to a past tense form, like  BARA, or, it needs to be attached to a noun, such as “ In the beginning (BERESHIT) of the reign of Jehoiakim” (Jer. 26:1).

However, already a medieval Jewish commentator, Ibn Ezra (d. in Spain 1167) pointed out that there are examples in the Hebrew Bible when a construct form is attached to a verb in the past, such as “ When the Lord first spoke to Hosea-TEHILLAT DIBBER B’HOSHEA” (Hos. 1:2) or, “The city where David camped” -KIRYAT HANA DAVID”(Isa. 29:1). So, this is not a mistake in the Hebrew Bible, but a rare yet valid option.

Furthermore, it is interesting to note, as Speiser already indicated, that the biblical creation story, influenced by the Babylonian creation myth, ENUMA ELISH, starts, in fact , as, “When (“enuma”) on high the heaven had not been named…” (ANET, p. 60).

How does a religious naturalist like me deal with the story of creation? I realize that Biblical editors were not astronomers and did not know about the Big Bang. They wanted to say that at the beginning of time, when God was about the create the universe, a supernal light appeared (v.3). The Sun and the moon were created on day 4!  

The ancient Rabbis were aware of the problem and came out with some fanciful explanations. (See,, Genesis, “If the sun is created on day 4, what is the light on day 1,” by Zev Farber). In reality, in Genesis, we do not have a theory of creation but only a hint that God gave form to what had previously emanated from the divine energy. (See, Ibn Ezra on this). Furthermore, the ancient Rabbis stressed (see Gen. Rab. 1:1O)  that the letter B (in BERESHIT) is closed on three sides but is open in the front, to teach us that we should not look back and speculate on the mysteries of creation that are not available to us. Instead, I would say, we need  to use the light, any light,  to illumine our steps as we forge a path that is based on justice and peace .



Monday, January 6, 2025


 Rabbi Rifat Sonsino, Ph.D

 The word “Messiah” (mashiah, in Hebrew) means “anointed.” In the Bible, it is often used for kings and priests. The term took on a different meaning later on. According to the ancient Rabbis, it refers to an individual, presumably chosen by God, who will restore the Davidic kingdom, bring back all Jews to the land of Israel, rebuild the temple of Jerusalem and establish peace among the nations. In Judaism we have had a few contenders to this title. Here below are the most important:


In the genealogy of Jesus in Mathew 1:16, we read: “Jacob was the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, of her was born Jesus who is called the Christ (“Messiah”).” It is presumed that Jesus was a Galilean Jew, born in Nazareth around 4 BCE. He probably was a Pharisee, and , like other Jews of his time, spoke Aramaic. He most likely belonged to a group of charismatic visionaries who predicted the end of the Roman Empire, causing the ire of the Roman authorities in ancient Palestine who crucified him around 30 CE.


He was the Jewish leader of what is known as the Bar Kohba revolt against the Roman Empire in 132 CE. Rabbi Akiba considered him the Messiah. Other Rabbis disagreed. Bar Kokhba established an independent Jewish state which he ruled for three years as Nasi ("Prince"). However, his state was conquered by the Romans in 135 following a two and half-year war. He died in 135 CE in battle. After the revolt, Hadrian, the Roman emperor (he died in 138 CE), changed the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina.



A charismatic mystical Rabbi from Izmir, today in Turkey, he was born in 1626 .But he was also a manic depressive. He was declared Messiah by one of his followers, Nathan of Gaza. Because of the attention he gathered, the Ottoman Turks first locked him up in a castle and then when things got out of hand, they offered him to test his vocation by summitting to an ordeal. Instead, he accepted to convert and became a Moslem. His followers, who became known as donmes (“converts “in Turkish) did the same, maintaining a dual life-style, Jewish at home but Moslem in the streets. He died in 1676.



His real name was Yakov ben Judah Leib Frankovich (1726-91).  He was born in Podolia (then Poland, now a region of Ukraine), the son of a rabbi.  As a young man he traveled in the Middle East, where the Turks gave him the surname Frank.  On his return to Poland in 1755, he founded the Frankists, a heretical Jewish sect. Subsequently, he claimed to be the recipient of direct revelations from heaven and exhorted his followers to espouse Christianity as an intermediate stage in the transition to a future messianic religion. After his death, leadership of the sect passed to his daughter Eve Frank, but the movement was soon absorbed into the Roman Catholic Church

Orthodox Jews today still pray for the coming of the Messiah. Reform Jews, like me, do not. In fact, I consider Messianism as dangerous because it promotes false hopes, in as much as no single individual can solve the world’s problems by him/herself. It is better to affirm good will and cooperation by many people and nations.  



Friday, December 20, 2024


 Rabbi Rifat Sonsino, Ph.D

This year, Hanukah begins on Wednesday night, Dec. 25, 2024.

The history behind Hanukah is, briefly, this: In the second cent. BCE, Antiochus IV, the Syrian king, set out to conquer Egypt. While he was fighting there, Jason, who was deposed from his position as the Jewish High Priest , left the Ammonites with whom he had taken refuge, and attacked Menelaus, in Jerusalem, in order to regain the High Priesthood. A civil war broke out between the two, and Jason successfully entered Jerusalem. King Antiochus was furious. On his way back from Egypt, the king attacked Jerusalem, imposed restrictions on Judea, and eventually desecrated the Temple. In reaction, a priest by the name of Mattathias, and his sons (called the Maccabees), fought against the Syrians, and were able to clean and rededicate the temple of Jerusalem to the worship of one God in the year 165 BCE. This rededication is called Hanukah (“dedication” in Hebrew).

The First Book of Maccabees (c.mid-2nd cent. BCE), states that Hanukah ought to be celebrated for eight days but does not indicate the reason for it (see, 4:59). It is in the Second Book of Maccabees (c.125 BCE) that we find a rational explanation: It happened that on the same day on which the sanctuary had been profaned by the foreigners, the purification of the sanctuary took place, that is, on the twenty-fifth day of the same month, which was Kislev.  And they celebrated it for eight days with rejoicing, in the manner of the feast of booths, remembering how not long before, during the feast of booths [Sukkot], they had been wandering in the mountains and caves like wild animals. (10: 6). So, Hanukah was really like a delayed Sukkot that lasts seven days plus Atzeret, a one day festival (See, Lev. 23: 33-36; cf. v.39).

The first reference to the lights of Hanukah appears in the writings of Josephus (1sr cent. CE) who calls the festival “Lights” by saying: I suppose the reason was this liberty beyond our hopes appeared to us and that hence the name given to that festival. (Antiquities, 7:7).

In it only in the Talmud, which was edited in Babylonia in the 5-6th centuries CE that the so-called “miracle” makes its appearance (under Persian influence?): What is [the reason of] Hanukah? For our Rabbis taught: On the twenty-fifth of Kislew [commence] the days of Hanukkah, which are eight on which a lamentation for the dead and fasting are forbidden.  For when the Greeks entered the Temple, they defiled all the oils therein, and when the Hasmonean [i.e. Maccabees] dynasty prevailed against and defeated them, they made search and found only one cruse of oil which lay with the seal of the High Priest, but which contained sufficient for one day’s lighting only; yet a miracle was wrought therein and they lit [the lamp] therewith for eight days. The following year these [days] were appointed a Festival with [the recital of] Hallel and thanksgiving. (BT Shab. 21b, Soncino). 

Later on a midrashic text (c. 9th cent.) provides another explanation: When the Hasmoneans defeated the Greeks, they entered the temple and found there eight iron spears. They stuck candles on these spears and kindled them. (Pesikta Rabbati 2: 5).

The festival of Hanukah proclaims many important values, such as courage, dedication, thanksgiving, and above all, the right to be different. These are the values we need to stress, and not the miracle of oil which is not rational, historical or even believable in our time.