Ever since our patriarch Jacob
allegedly gathered his children to tell them about their future (see Gen. 49),
many people have written ethical wills in which they identified not their
assets but their most cherished values for their progeny. A number of these
ethical wills written by Jews have been published as part of the literary genre
called “Hebrew Ethical Wills.” Now that I still have my faculties intact, I
wish to follow this example by putting down on paper those moral teachings that
have guided me so far. So, in no particular order, here are my ten
recommendations (a more personalized version was already written for my children):
I was born in Turkey and grew up in Istanbul. I am grateful for my Turkish heritage but I am also a proud Jew, and lived as such since 1938 when I was born. I came to the USA in 1961.
I was born in Turkey and grew up in Istanbul. I am grateful for my Turkish heritage but I am also a proud Jew, and lived as such since 1938 when I was born. I came to the USA in 1961.
I believe it is important to have a strong identity. For those of us who live in the States, that means having a strong American as well as a Jewish identity. Support the State of Israel and Jews everywhere else. Try to
visit the land of our ancestors at least once every ten years. Be a
knowledgeable Jew.
Kindness and integrity:
The Bible tells
us that human beings are created “in the image of the divine” (Gen.1: 27)
representing the best and the highest we know. Be a caring individual. Learn
how to empathize in life, and try to feel other people’s joys and pains. Treat
other human beings with dignity. Do not raise false expectations for them, and
do not resort to violence. Yet, learn how to protect yourselves. Forgive
your enemies but do not forget their name.
Good Name:
The author of the
book of Ecclesiastes says, “A good name is better than fragrant oil”(7: 11). In
dealing with others, your reputation must be impeccable. If you lose it once,
you lose it forever. Be on time, look clean and neat, and try to make a good impression
when you meet someone, for its impact remains a long time.
Cherish your
spouses. Do not take them for granted. As years go by, learn how to grow
old together, accepting with grace all the changes that will occur with you and
your mate. Be prepared to sacrifice for your children. After all, your family is your greatest responsibility and your proudest legacy.
Pursue general
education and not job training. Read regularly, keep abreast of what is going
on in the world, enjoy a good concert, an inspiring opera, a good theater. To
the extent that you can afford it, try to travel around the country and the
world. Have a wider perspective in life, and forgo judging things in black and
white. Real life occurs within the grays.
Your job:
Enjoy what you
are doing. Work hard at your profession. Try to be the best, but don’t allow
your job to define you. Get a hobby. Take calculated risks. Otherwise you get
stuck in life.
7. Truth vs. Peace:
Pursue truth, but
give peace a priority. For the sake of sh’lom bayit (“peace at home”),
be prepared to bend the truth a bit. It will save your marriage, your job and
your relationship with the rest of your family and friends.
Do not abuse your
bodies or mind. You need them both in good shape. Make time to exercise
regularly. Do not use drugs; do not smoke or get drunk. Pursue a path of
moderation, and avoid all excesses.
Way of Life:
Do not make the
pursuit of happiness your life’s goal. Happiness is only a by-product.
Live within your own means. Learn to be content, and be satisfied with what you
have. There is no end to wanting more.
10. One Life:
It is the realization that our days on earth
are limited that infuses our life with meaning and purpose. We need to learn
how to give up longevity for the sake of intensity. Learn how to enjoy the
goodness of life, and try to live it fully and creatively, giving gratitude to
God for who you are and what you have.
Rifat Sonsino
Jan. 2013