Rabbi Rifat Sonsino, Ph.D
The word “spirituality” is a buzzword, like “family values.”
Yet, few people know what it is all about.
The need for spirituality arises:
a. Usually after
a period of crisis, when people turn to explore existential questions; to make
sense of what is happening to us.
b. When we
realize that science cannot solve all our problems.
c. When we
acknowledge the precariousness of our lives.
d. When we
accept the fact that material success is not enough; when we need to nourish
our “soul.”
e. When we admit
that we are not at the center of the
universe; that we need an anchor.
f. When we need
to relate to something/ someone larger than life.
a. For some,
spirituality evokes otherworldliness, a monastic life.
b. Some feel that
it limits our ability to deal with pressing everyday issues; it takes us away
from our social concerns.
c. It is
narcissistic in nature.
d. Because it
stresses the duality between body and mind, it is more Greek than Jewish.
Because it deals with emotional issues,
there is fear that it will ignore the dictates of the mind.
Many claim that it is a substitute
for the rigors of scholarship; it is anti-intellectual.
g. A few believe
it is a subtle form of assimilation.
h. It reifies
the individual and ignores the needs of the community.
i. Its
informality ends up like a chat with the divine.
j. Many are
attracted to extreme forms for spirituality that is a turn-off for others.
We need a
balanced view and must find a path that is rooted in the need to transcend
oneself in search of purpose and meaning in life.
There are various definitions of “spirituality.” ( Just check
the web)
I prefer to define it as “The awareness of being in the
presence of God,” where God refers to the energy of the universe.
The pursuit of spirituality can take different forms:
Some seek spirituality through study, others through prayer,
others through meditation, many through rituals or relationship and good deeds.
And yet, some find it through various acts of transcendence, when they go
through peak experiences in life.
For more details, see my book, 6 Jewish Spiritual Paths,
NY: Jewish Lights/Nashville: Turner, 2002.
Date: Feb. 16, 2022