
Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Rabbi Rifat Sonsino, Ph.D.

A prophet is more than a forecaster of future events. Technically speaking , in the Hebrew Bible, a prophet ( “navi”), is a mouthpiece of God. Prophets claimed they spoke in the name of God. And people around them believed it. The prophet Jeremiah makes a distinction between true and false prophets. According to him, false prophets “speak from their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord” (23: 16).

Prophecy is well known in the Ancient Near East (ANE). In various Akkadian texts they are known, among others,  as mahhu (“ecstatic”), apilu (“answerer”), assinu (“cultic functionary”), or nabu (“ diviner”, parallel to the Hebrew term for prophet, navi).

Both in the ANE and specifically in ancient Israel, there were male and female prophets. The Hebrew Bible recognizes these female prophets: Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron (Ex.15:19), Deborah , also a judge, (Judg.4:4), Huldah (II K 22: 14), and an unnamed woman simply known as “a prophetess” in the book of Isaiah (8:3), probably, his wife. In Judaism , the prophet par excellence is Moses (Deut.18:18). Rabbis add, Sarah, Hannah, Abigayil, and Esther (b. Megillah, 14a). The last prophet in the Hebrew Bible is Malachi, (“my messenger”). We don’t know his real name.  Some claim that was indeed his name; others suggest it was Ezra or even Mordecai. He lived in the 5th cent. BCE in the re-settled Judea when the second temple was rebuilt.

The New Testament knows of both male (for example, Agabus, Acts 11: 29) and female prophets (for example,  Anna, Luke 2:36-38). Some Christians  attribute prophetic roles to many individuals, including, Quintilla (3rd cent CE), Joan of Arc (15th cent.), and George Smith (19th cent.). In Islam, only males are considered prophets, and Muhammad is viewed as the last one, “the seal of the prophets” (Sura 33:40). Judaism does not recognize Jesus or Mohammad as prophets.

Today, it is difficult to call anyone a prophet, for, not too many people believe a human being can be a mouthpiece of God. We can invoke God in our prayers and our deeds but beware of the person who claims he/she can speak in the name of God.

SONSINO’S BLOG, rsonsino.blogpost.con