I have been going to Spain every year since 2008 in order to
help out Bet Shalom in Barcelona, a
small nascent Reform congregation, with its programs and religious services. This
past June, after ten days in Turkey, Ines and I spent two weeks in Barcelona,
taking part in history making activities.
My daily schedule was full. I officiated at three weddings
for temple members, a Bar Mitzvah for an American Jewish family on its way to a
Mediterranean cruise, gave two talks at Atid, the other Reform congregation in the city, lectured in a Skype-type
forum on the conversion process to the rest of the progressive congregations in
Spain , had numerous meetings with various individuals, led Friday night and Sabbath morning services, and took part in the proceedings of the Bet Din
(Religious Court) from London, which represented the European Region of the World
Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ), and in two days we welcomed 20 individuals
as Jews-by-choice (including tevilah, immersion in the ocean). After all
these activities, I think I earned the right to have a long long vacation.
After all, I am a retired Rabbi. But who could tell?
What made this trip so fascinating is that I witnessed the
remarkable growth of Reform Judaism in Spain, and in particular, the creation of a new federation by three Reform synagogues, namely, Bet Shalom
and Atid from Barcelona, and Bet Emunah from Asturias. It is expected that
shortly other liberal groups from the cities of Seville, Madrid and from the
region of Galicia, will join in, thus establishing a strong foundation for the
presence of progressive Judaism in Spain within a cooperative structure. I am
also delighted that the newly established Reform congregation in Seville has named
me its honorary spiritual leader.
Friday night service, Barcelona, June
21, 13
There aren’t too many Jews in Spain, maybe 20,000 in the
entire country, but Reform Judaism is here to stay. The creative visionary of this endeavor is
Jai Anguita, 42, of Bet Shalom, who has moved earth and sky to bring enthusiasm
to many of his fellow Jews and potential Jews, of which there are many in
Spain, especially among those who wish to “return” to Judaism because of their families’
association with our faith going back to 1492 when Jews were forcefully
expelled from the country or forced to convert.
It is not easy today to be a Jew in Spain. There is a great
deal of anti-Semitism, at times even of violent nature. One prospective convert
told our Bet Din about the discrimination and physical assaults he experienced
because he was wearing a Magen David. Another person told us that she was cut
off by her family when she announced that she was going to convert to Judaism. So,
we asked her, “You still want to become Jewish?” “Yes,” she responded, “It is
in my soul.”
The next phase of Reform Judaism in Spain will require that
each congregation be better organized, having good publicity (e.g. Web pages) as
well as a sound organizational structure, with election of officers, preparation
of realistic budgets, yearly congregational meetings and imaginative fund
raising campaigns. Reform Jews in Spain will also need a new and common prayer
book for Shabbat and festival services. Realizing that money is always tight in
these circumstances, I urge world Jewry to take note and help them out.
As for me, I did as much as I could by actually going to
Barcelona and spending a few weeks on location the last few years. From now on
I will be available to teach classes through Skype or other media directly from
Boston. Now that the European Region of the WUPJ in London considers Spain a
priority, I am sure it will continue to provide all the necessary help and
services. I am glad I witnessed this historic development since 2008, and
consider it a privilege to have had the opportunity to add my own contribution.
Rabbi Rifat Sonsino, Ph.D
July 2013
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